LSLC delivers the highest quality of seminars and debates in maritime legal, commercial and technical issues for risk awareness and further education of maritime professionals from all maritime sectors. Supported by the judiciary, it pools international experts and its library archives contain valuable information. LSLC facilitates business development and promotes the talents of maritime London.
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The LSLC-YMP group celebrated its belated 10th Anniversary at a Summer Garden party held on 27th June at Stationers’ Hall.
The event was generously sponsored by Wadkins Associates (lead sponsor), HFW, 36 Stone, Quadrant Chambers and Stephenson Harwood. Special guests were invited to join 160 + young members.
LSLC’s Founder/Chairman, Dr Aleka Sheppard, praised the YMP’s achievements and invited Francesca Cappa (Chair of the YMP) to address the guests; in closing, Lord Thomas (LSLC’s President) reflected on Aleka’s vision and achievement in establishing the LSLC/YMP in his speech:
Excerpt from the Reflections of Lord Thomas stated at the 25th Anniversary Celebration Dinner
“….But what of the future? Things are going to change, …..what I think is now apparent is things will change much more rapidly: the first is the effect of digitalisation. There is no doubt that it is having a dramatic effect on the way disputes are resolved, I think that we will, probably, within the very near future, go away from the paper file to arbitrations and to court, to ensure that we do everything within the electronic file. Secondly, I think the era of video evidence is coming – having spent a lot of the past year dealing with evidence over a video link, I see nothing wrong with it and we’re going to go to distance hearings, but we’ve got to be very careful with what we do, because we must not dehumanise the law. One of the great benefits of being here tonight – and it’s been wonderful to see everyone getting up and chatting – is that this is a community and, as we move forward to court procedures that will be more remote, we must keep the community – and the Centre is a community”.