Past Events
LSLC/YMP Webinar event – Legal Horizons in Sustainable Shipping: From Green Finance to Regulation
We wish our members and our supporters a Very Happy and Prosperous 2025.
This is our first event for 2025.
Save the date!
The LSLC-YMP and Reed Smith are hosting a webinar focused on the future of sustainable shipping. This event will feature key panellists who will delve into the dynamic and evolving landscape of sustainable shipping from both legal and financial perspectives.
Breakfast event: Trade dynamics: recent updates and practical insights in commodity law and practice
Join members of the LSLC-YMP and the LSLC for an engaging and interactive hybrid seminar in which we will discuss the latest developments and practical challenges in the commodities space.
LSLC/SCMA : Reimagining Bills of Lading for the 21st Century!
The LSLC is very pleased to join with the Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration in presenting this inter-continental debate on developments and future insights into Bills of Lading.
It is supported by David Grief International Consultancy Pte. Ltd. & Chambers Lab
Hedging and Damages – Legal and Industry Implications of Rhine Shipping v Vitol
This event will focus on issues relating to the impact of the hedging of price risk upon damages for breach of contract in commodity or shipping cases which involve market price movement.
Bulk Carriers – Topical Issues
A Roundtable debate on a rising trend regarding the challenges of mixed stowage of steel, bagged, break bulk and vehicles on bulk carriers predominantly out of China.
RTI v Mur and Force Majeure clauses
The Supreme Court has held in RTI v MUR that where force majeure is defined as an event or state of affairs which cannot not be overcome by “reasonable endeavours” from the party affected, the party seeking to invoke force majeure is not required to accept an offer of non-contractual performance from the other party in order to overcome the effects of that force majeure event. That is so even where the non-contractual performance is only trivially different from contractual performance, and its acceptance would entail no or minimal cost, risk or inconvenience on the part of the party seeking to rely on force majeure.
Is the result principled, uncommercial, both, or neither?
LSLC-YMP event: Securing Claims and enforcing Foreign Arbitral Awards in Latin Amereica
This unique webinar is held in conjunction with Kincaid Mendes Vianna Advogados (Brazil) and Preston Turnbull Solicitors (London).
Commodities Fraud: How reliable is the victim’s recourse under their security and insurance arrangements
When fraud strikes, there is often little point in the victims pursing the
fraudster to recoup their losses. Instead, the victim looks first to their
insurance or security arrangements – after all, that is what that insurance
or security was for, was it not?
But are things as simple as that? If the same goods were sold many times over
by the fraudster, can one of the unfortunate buyers say they have an ‘insurable
interest’ in those goods? Have they ‘lost’ goods that were in fact illusory?
And what of the bank financing the purchase of goods at sea by a fraudster?
This Breakfast event is held in association with HFW Geneva and will be presented in segments:
a. Discussion will focus on recent hot topics and provide a legal outlook for 2024
b. A lively mock arbitration arguing both cargo interests’ and owners’ cases on liability
Navigating The Latest Changes To The Shipping And Commodities Landscape – An LSLC-YMP event
This Breakfast event is held in association with HFW Geneva and will be presented in segments:
a. A Discussion will focus on recent hot topics and provide a legal outlook for 2024
b. A lively mock arbitration arguing both cargo interests’ and owners’ cases on liability
Fraudulent Presentation of Shipping Documents under Letters of Credit – how to square the circle
Letters of credit are meant to provide a smooth conduit for the easy exchange of shipping documents and money in international trade.
Fraud, however, unravels all.
How easy is it, and how easy should it be, for fraud to justify non-payment against what appears to be a perfectly compliant presentation? Does the “fraud exception” undo letters of credit as the lifeblood of international commerce?
This event is produced in association with HAYNES & BOONE and 4 PUMP COURT.
Ships are adopting new technology to meet the demands for greener tonnage, but new and untested technology creates new risks. How are those risks addressed in shipbuilding contracts? What disputes arise as a consequence of adopting new technologies? These are some of the issues that will be considered by our speakers at this event which includes two of the authors of the 5th edition of The Law of Shipbuilding Contracts.
Court powers exercisable in support of arbitral proceedings – delving into the Section 44 toolbox
Section 44, Arbitration Act 1996 provides the Court with important powers exercisable in support of arbitral proceedings. These range from freezing injunctions, to orders for surveyors to go aboard vessels for photographing and inspection. This seminar offers the opportunity to consider the types of relief that are available under this jurisdiction, as well as its limitations
Arbitration round up – the Nigeria case, anti suits and stays
Over the past 12 months, there has been a veritable spate of Court cases concerned generally with arbitration practice of direct interest to clients, solicitors, Counsel and arbitrators.
The speakers at this hybrid event will provide an analysis of the most important cases – followed by a Q & A Session.
Meet the Arbitrators – An LSLC/YMP event jointly held with the LMAA
The LSLC and the LMAA invite the younger generation of maritime practitioners to meet LMAA arbitrators for a discussion of issues encountered in the practice of arbitration.
Sanctions: Living alongside sanctions – a historic year in review and where do we go from here
Issues for discussion:
1. Does Putin control everything in Russia? The implications of Mints and Oths. v PJSC National Bank Trust
and Anor. [2023]
2. The effect of that case on arbitration proceedings
3. Dark Fleet? Bright Fleet? Grey Fleet? The implications of bifurcation of the world’s tonnage.
4. The G7 Price Cap – evidence of a maturing sanctions landscape?
5. Due diligence – when is enough, enough?
6. Sanctions clauses – a panacea?
The Electronic Trade Documents Act: possession, reliability and international legal harmony
This seminar will take a closer look at the Electronic Trade Documents Act 2023 which came into force on 20th September. The Act is intended to provide a framework for digitalisation of existing trade documents that are said to perform their functions on the basis of possession, in that possession of the document is a necessary requirement when claiming performance of the obligation recorded in it.
The Final Report on proposed Reform of the Arbitration Act – RoundTable Discussion update
Are there any non-apparent weaknesses in the proposed reform?
The panel will discuss the implications of the Law Commission’s final report and draft Arbitration Bill and invite audience questions and comments.
The New Anatomy of Maritime Legal Services: collaboration, innovation and the “more for less” conundrum
This Hybrid event is held in association with Norton Rose Fulbright, Stolt-Nielsen and the LSLC-YMP.
Although some substantive legal points will be referred to, this round-table discussion will primarily focus on how the effectiveness of the machinery for delivering legal advice to the maritime sector could be improved. In that connection, there is plenty to be optimistic about!
To facilitate a well rounded inquiry, we are delighted that lawyers with very different – but equally important – roles in the provision of legal advice to the international shipping community have accepted our invitation to take part.
The conversation will take place against the backcloth of the horrors of war, major geopolitical tensions and the continuing turbulence in the world economy.
LSLC-YMP – Maritime Litigation in England – The View From The Bench
The London Circuit Commercial Court: what shipping and maritime parties need to know
This hybrid event is held in association with 4 Pump Court.
LSLC-YMP’s 10th Anniversary Garden Party
Though the association has been in existence for 12 years, due to the pandemic we were not able to celebrate this milestone anniversary in 2021. Now, with the great support from our sponsors led by Wadkins Associates together with HFW, 36 Stone, Quadrant Chambers and Stephenson Harwood, we are delighted to bring our members and supporters together for this Bar BQ party
Enforcement of Letters of Indemnity, Misdelivery and the Post-Discharge Application of the Hague/Hague-Visby Rules
Over 60 years ago, Lord Denning reiterated that, “It is perfectly clear law that a shipowner who delivers without production of the bill of lading does so at his peril.”
Nevertheless, practical shipping and banking considerations require shipowners do precisely that every single day. How can shipowners mitigate that peril? To what extent do letters of indemnity protect shipowners in the event of misdelivery claims? Do the Hague/Hague-Visby Rules protections apply to such post-discharge conduct? This seminar will address those questions and the practical issues surrounding the issuance and acceptance of letters of indemnity.
THE ADMIRALTY COURT: The New Rules in CPR 61 & Recent Decisions of the Court
This event is organised in association with the Admiralty Solicitors Group and the Admiralty Bar Group.
The Admiralty Court has existed as a separate jurisdiction for some 700 years. It remains a leading authority on all legal matters concerning ships and their navigation at sea, and has frequently led the way in matters of best procedural practice. On 6 April 2023, the procedural rules governing collision claims were substantially overhauled, and various other changes to CPR 61 and its associated PD were made. The Admiralty Judge wishes to spread the word about the new rules as widely as possible. In addition, the Admiralty Court has been busy over the last year, and the event will also cover judgments delivered by the Court on various collisions, limitation, and salvage.
Recent cases in the law of marine insurance
This Hybrid event is held in association with 7 King’s Bench Walk.
International trade would not be possible without the marine insurance market, of which London is at the very centre. Reflecting the importance of English law in this area, there continues to be a steady stream of Court decisions. The seminar will focus on issues arising out of three recent decisions, commented upon by experts in their fields.
LSLC-YMP event: Poker FM – A powerful tool in a volatile market?
This is the second event held in association with HFW Geneva and discussions will be from the perspectives of a Civil Law Lawyer, a Common Law lawyer, and Industry representatives.
Digitalisation of International Trade – an LSLC Hybrid event
This event is held in association with 36 Stone.
The market has produced – and continues to produce – a number of platforms through which the paper processes of international trade can be digitalised.
LSLC Hybrid event on Jurisdiction agreements, anti-suit injunctions and Norwich Pharmacal orders post-Brexit
This talk will consider how parties establish jurisdiction post-Brexit with a particular emphasis on the important role played by jurisdiction agreements.
It will then consider two very important tools in commercial litigation: the anti-suit injunction which can now be used to restrain a party litigating in an EU state and Norwich Pharmacal orders, which can now be served out of the jurisdiction on foreign respondents for an order against an innocent party caught up in wrongdoing to reveal the name of the true wrongdoer.
LSLC-YMP event – Boxing clever – how to work better together in managing a container ship casualty
Drawing from the experience of various stakeholders in handling container ship casualties, we analyse the development of a typical incident and explore how improved communication can work to the benefit of all. The event will contain practical advice from an ex-container vessel master mariner, a representative from an industry-leading salvage company, one of the world’s largest insurance companies and insurer and a specialist shipping law firm.
This is an LSLC/YMP Breakfast Hybrid event held in association with MFB and hosted by the IDRC.
Enforcement of Letters of Indemnity, Misdelivery and the post-discharge application of the Hague/Hague-Visby Rules
A Hybrid event held in association with Quadrant Chambers.
Shipowners’ right to limit liability under international conventions: Ground breaking agreement reached at the IMO on the interpretation of the test for breaking shipowners’ right to limit liability
LSLC event – Recent Developments in the Law of Charterparties
This event is held in association with 7 King’s Bench Walk and will provide a summary of recent cases decided in 2022 and their implications.
LSLC/YMP – Pieces of the puzzle: the overlap of charterparties and sale contracts
A hybrid event organised in association with Stephenson Harwood.
International trade is a jigsaw puzzle of different contractual documents, but the pieces do not always fit together as neatly as intended. Join our panel of experts for a discussion of the legal and practical issues that arise when they do not and how to deal with the gaps and overlaps between different contractual regimes. The event will focus on bulk trade and the agricultural commodities sector.
A Joint LSLC and SCMA Hybrid event – Sanctions and Shipping: An Evolving Landscape
This event, covering current issues on Sanctions in shipping law, is produced by the LSLC and the Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration in association with David Grief (Singapore), Chambers Lab (Malaysia), Maxwell Chambers (Singapore), Essex Court Chambers and 36 Stone (both of the UK).
LSLC Hybrid event – The Law Commission’s Consultation Paper on the Arbitration Act 1996
A discussion re the important amendments that are being considered and further suggestions. Delegates will be asked to contribute to the discussions.
The Tai Prize
This hybrid seminar is held in association with 4 Pump Court. The panel will debate the issues that arose and explain the reasoning of the Court in this important decision for the industry
KNOW YOUR LIMITS: Who, what, where?
An exploration of recent case law on limitation of liability.
In this hybrid event, our speakers will examine three recent decisions concerning key aspects of limitation in the maritime context, focusing on the who, what, and where of a party’s right to limit, and offering their own perspectives on the practical relevance of the cases.
Off-spec bunker claims – An LSLC-YMP Hybrid event
The LSLC-YMP and Ince welcome members and other commercial professionals to attend this breakfast hybrid in-person & webinar event.
In light of a series of bunker disputes, predominantly in Singapore, this session will consider the issue of off-specification bunker disputes.
BIMCO’s new IOCD clause – does it provide contractual immunity to future pandemics?
Specific Issues for discussion:
• The framework of the new clause – a more balanced approach
• The new clause in practice – legal, commercial and insurance implications
• A review of recent Covid-related disputes
LSLC / LMAA Hybrid event -Offshore Energy: Contracts and disputes in the maritime environment
This hybrid event is being held in association with the LMAA, and the IDRC as the host.
Experts in the market will present a picture of maritime disputes in the offshore energy sector. Focus will be on disputes arising from energy operations in a maritime environment plus shipbuilding and FPSO projects. The seminar will address new developments in contracts for offshore windfarms and also demystify difficult issues on delay in offshore projects. There will be discussion on specific tips for choosing a tribunal and case managing a complex offshore dispute.
LSLC / 36 Stone Webinar – Sanctions, Frustration and Force Majeure
“The court is exercising its powers, when it decides that a contract is frustrated, in order to achieve a result which is just and reasonable” (The Kingswood [1942] AC 154, 184 per Lord Wright)
In a time of unprecedented disruption caused by the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, commercial parties face the ever-evolving risk of international sanctions affecting their contractual rights and obligations. This event will focus on the past and present impact of sanctions on the shipping, commodities and international trade. Join a panel of expert practitioners who will discuss legal and practical issues to consider when dealing with entities presently sanctioned or those that may potentially be so.
This event is held in association with 36 Stone.
LSLC-YMP / 4 Pump Court webinar – Soybean cargo claims: common themes and key takeaways from recent decisions
A panel of expert practitioners with a wide variety of backgrounds will consider the key topics and recent case law in relation to cargo claims. Soyabeans are used as an example as many important recent decisions involved this cargo. The speakers will consider legal as well as practical aspects and discuss concrete steps parties should consider during the lifecycle of such cargo claims.
BIMCO and the London Shipping Law Centre present BIMCO’s own newly published ship sale and purchase agreement.
Join members of the drafting team to gain a unique insight into the form and drafting process of this new agreement.
All in-person participants will receive a specially-prepared booklet containing a copy of SHIPSALE 22 and detailed explanatory notes.
Navigating Sustainability from Regulation to Dispute Resolution
This is a special event being held as part of London International Disputes Week 2022. It has been organised by the LMAA, HFW and Quadrant Chambers in association with the LSLC Business Forum.
LSLC’s Hybrid Event – The Polar [2021]
EWCA Civ 1828; [2022] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 375. This HYBRID event is held in association with TWENTY ESSEX and will deal with the Court of Appeal considering the incorporation of a charter war risks / K&R regime into bills of lading.
Practical perspectives on handling the fall-out from the war in Ukraine
LSLC Webinar – Decarbonisation & Shipping – decarbonisation in practice: contracts
This is the 2nd webinar in an on-going series on decarbonisation & shipping. As regulations in this area emerge, how do the parties to commercial shipping contracts go about adapting those contracts to accommodate the new rules? Is this a time to radically rewrite relationships? Or will tweaking and new ‘standard clauses’ suffice?
This webinar is held in association with Hill Dickinson.
LSLC-YMP’s Breakfast Webinar- Wrecking Havoc …….
Collisions, Wreck Removal and Salvage in English and Singaporean Law – held in association with Penningtons Manches Cooper
The decision of the Supreme Court in The CMA CGM Libra – in which it was held that a vessel was unseaworthy by reason of a deficient passage plan – was eagerly awaited. The appeal provided an important opportunity to examine a concept which is central to shipping law, that of unseaworthiness. This seminar brings together a panel of individuals with important views to share: leading counsel for the successful respondent; a director of one of the leading P&I clubs; and a master mariner who has first-hand experience converting from paper to ECDIS navigation. Their discussion will be chaired by Sir Nigel Teare, who decided the case at first instance.
This event is held in association with Quadrant Chambers.
LSLC-YMP Webinar: Expert Evidence in Maritime Disputes
How to deal effectively with expert evidence – whether facing “Hercule Poirot” or a “Hired Gun”
LSLC/YMP Bitesize Case Updates Webinar
Join LSLC/YMP and 4 Pump Court to hear updates on key recent English Court decisions.
LSLC Webinar: Negotiating contracts: “subject to” conditions and battles of the forms
Construing what the parties to a contract have agreed is at the heart of what dry shipping lawyers do. But sometimes the question is more fundamental: Has the contract come into effect? If there are two competing sets of terms, which ones apply?
Whilst negotiations to fix a vessel or cargo will likely be contained in emails or other electronic exchanges, lawyers will be better placed to answer these types of question if they understand the process of how brokers and traders go about negotiating such contracts.
LSLC-YMP Webinar -International Conventions on Oil Pollution and Its Applicability in Recent Cases
This event is held in association with OAB- PERNAMBUCO (Brazil) and KINCAID Mendes Vianna Advogados (Brazil)
Recent oil pollution cases of significant impact
What are the legal and practical remedies for fighting oil pollution available in the UK and Brazilian jurisdiction?
Which Conventions are or are not in effect in in either jurisdiction?
Why have certain Conventions not been ratified?
What are some pros and cons of adhering to such Conventions?
Lessons to be learned and what needs to be changed for the future?
Did the remedies work well?
LSLC-YMP and AIDIM Annual Seminar – Running aground: complexities and challenges
Running aground: complexities and challenges of handling grounding incidents in English and Italian law context
LSLC’s Third Arbitration Round Table Debate – Part 2
As part of LISW21 the LSLC is pleased to present a two-part webinar, both panelled by a group of female professionals who will debate and discuss topical issues and developments in maritime arbitration.
These webinars are held in association with
To view all LISW21 activities and to obtain a Swapcard for emtry into the LISW Portal – click the link below
LSLC’s Third Arbitration Round Table Debate – Part 1
As part of LISW2021 the LSLC is pleased to present a two-part webinar, both panelled by a group of female professionals who will debate and discuss topical issues and developments in maritime arbitration.
These webinars are held in association with
To view all LISW21 activities and to obtain a Swapcard for entry into the LISW Portal – click the link below
LSLC Webinar – Admiralty Alerts
This webinar will address topical issues in the field of Admiralty law and practice.
LSLC Webinar – Are electronic Bills of Lading the solution?
A discussion held in association with BIMCO and WEST.
The perils and pitfalls of delivering cargo without production of the original Bill of Lading: claims by banks and letters of indemnity.
Whether electronic Bills of Lading provide the solution – a commercial perspective.
LSLC Webinar – Cyber Fraud and Cyber Piracy
The dependence of ships and shipping companies on computers and the internet means that cyber fraud and cyber piracy are now ever-present risks for those engaged in international trade. This talk examines the key issues that can arise from the legal and insurance perspectives. Although these issues can give rise to very substantial liabilities, shipping companies frequently encounter these issues on a smaller scale. It is therefore important to know how to deal with them practically and efficiently.
International Dispute Resolution Week Event
HFW in association with the LSLC, LMAA, Maritime London, Reed Smith and Twenty Essex presents MARITIME ARBITRATION IN LONDON - PRESENT AND FUTURE CHALLENGES IN A CHANGING WORLD
as part of London International Disputes week (LIDW) which celebrates London as a leading centre for handling the resolution of international disputes.
LIDW takes place the 10th – 14th May 2021 with a programme of virtual events addressing contemporary global issues facing the sector attracting audiences from jurisdictions globally. This year’s theme is ‘Looking forward: change, challenge and opportunity.’
LSLC/YMP – Unmanned Vehicles, Liability and Insurance
A webinar organised in association with Università degli Studi di Cagliari – Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
under their Corso di Transport Law 2020/2021 Programme.
LSLC/YMP Webinar – International Trade & Bills of Lading: Recent Developments
This is the first Breakfast Webinar organised by the LSLC/YMP. It is held in association with Stephenson Harwood and Steamship Mutual. This session will provide a refresher and update on bills of lading and their role in international trade.
The webinar is free to attend, however for those who wish to have breakfast alongside, Stephenson Harwood will provide subsidised breakfast baskets.
LSLC /BIMCO webinar – Decarbonisation & Shipping
Climate change is a problem affecting everyone, and almost everything. If this common challenge is to be effectively addressed, significant and rapid change is required across all sectors globally. The shipping industry, which produces over a billion tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, is no exception.
Yet how does an industry heavily reliant on fossil fuel transition to being cleaner and greener? Will the change be driven by regulators, stakeholders, or all concerned? Where do the challenges and opportunities lay, and how may relationships need to be adjusted to accommodate change?
In this seminar we explore the shipping industry’s response to climate change, navigating the fast developing landscape of regulation and action and hearing perspectives from regulators, owners and charterers.
LSLC Webinar – The Eternal Bliss
Demurrage is liquidated damages for a voyage charterer’s breach in failing to complete loading or discharge within the laytime allowed. But does it liquidate all the losses caused by that breach, or can the owners recover damages on top of demurrage in respect of loss of a separate type, distinct from the loss of the future earnings of the vessel caused by the delay?
In The Bonde Potter J held that the owners can only recover if there is not only loss of a separate type but
also a breach of a separate obligation.
In The Eternal Bliss Andrew Baker J has held that a loss of a separate type is
The Court of Appeal is expected to deal with the issue this year.
LSLC webinar – Containership Casualties
Containership casualties have become an important class of case for the shipping law community, even if they have only rarely come up for decision in the courts. This seminar seeks to illuminate the issues involved in these complex cases by drawing on the perspectives of three different types of practitioner: a casualty lawyer, an average adjuster, and a barrister.
LSLC Webinar – The impact of Covid-19 on charterparties
As the shipping industry continues to grapple with the effects of COVID-19, the participants in this webinar will consider the past, present and likely future impacts of the pandemic on charterparties, both from a contractual and practical perspective.
Webinar: Sanctions at a crossroads? What next for the maritime community?
This webinar will explore key sanctions themes experienced by the maritime community over the past 12 months, the evolution of due diligence requirements and contractual protection, how to handle suspected violations and looking ahead to a post-Brexit, post-Trump Administration sanctions landscape.
Webinar – Does the post-Halliburton landscape provide “closure on disclosure” for appointments in London maritime arbitration?
The focus of this webinar is to discuss the implications for the maritime
industry of the recent Supreme Court Judgement in Halliburton v Chubb.
This webinar is held in association with HFW and 4 Pump Court.
LSLC-YMP & 4 Pump Court Webinar – Shipping Industry Forum 2020
Five shipping industry professionals will discuss developments created by events in 2020, future trends and growth – from the perspective of clubs, law firms, the bar, brokers and a maritime career consultant.
Webinar – Anti-Suit Injunctions in Shipping Cases
Anti-suit injunctions are prevalent in shipping and international disputes. This webinar will update attendees on recent English court decisions, explore the scope and limits for anti-suit injunctions, with a look to the future post Brexit and discuss practical issues for FD&D, P&I and Charterer’s liability insurers.
LSLC/YMP Webinar – Shipping: Common Issues in Contract and Insolvency
LSLC-YMP and Clyde & Co. invites you to view this webinar on topical issues.
Webinar – The Good Faith Debate: English Law and the International Tide
Good faith is a hot topic in English law about which it is not unusual for members of the profession to hold strong and diametrically opposed views. It is an issue which may yet prove to be relevant in disputes triggered by the COVID crisis, which will be determined in arbitration and the English courts. A strong proponent of good faith (Lord Leggatt) has recently joined the Supreme Court. This webinar will consist of a round table discussion by leading experts from a range of specialisms: maritime, commercial, and financial.
Webinar – Data at a Distance: The Art of Remote Inspections
In this fourth event in our Global Webinar Series, LSLC is pleased to hold this fascinating and illuminating event which provides an insight into how remote technology is aiding accident investigation, especially now, during the present pandemic.
This webinar will deliver a high-level view of what to expect when attending a live remote inspection. The main presentation compares the traditional inspection process with the remote access experience and highlights technical and legal pros, cons, and pitfalls of a live remote access inspection. This webinar will explore the best way to blend technology, inspection practices, and protocol considerations to host a successful remote inspection experience that will help provide comprehensive and efficient solutions to combat the challenges of the current environment. The MAIB will give a short presentation on the importance of independent evidence gathering in marine accident investigations. CLS Europe will give a short presentation on the potential impact of Un-Manned Air Systems, more commonly referred to as “drones”.
LSLC/YMP Webinar Event -Tasting notes: shipping 101 and artisan chocolate
LSLC/YMP and Twenty Essex are delighted to hold this unique event and invite members to join us for a social evening of insights on current maritime issues followed by a curated chocolate tasting session with speciality chocolatiers Cocoa Runners.
Places are limited and attendees need to register by Monday 13 July in order to receive the tasting pack.
Webinar – Practical & legal issues in shipbuilding – the SAJ Form
This webinar will consider a range of topical issues that can arise from disputes in relation to a series of vessels purchased on the SAJ Form. This webinar will focus on the ‘prevention principle’, extensions to the delivery date for modifications and for non-payment of instalments in light of the recent High Court decision of Jiangsu Guoxin Corporation Ltd (formerly known as Sainty Marine Corporation Ltd) v Precious Shipping Public Co. Ltd [2020] EWHC 1030 (Comm).
Webinar – Practical & legal issues in shipping: MARPOL Annex VI – Implementation of the Sulphur Cap
As we are now approaching six months after the implementation of the MARPOL 2020 fuel Sulphur cap, in this webinar we will be reviewing some of the prominent issues that have arisen, from both practical and legal perspectives, as well as their implications for owners and operators.
LSLC/YMP Webinar Current Challenges and Issues emerging from the lockdown
Lockdown is being relaxed, but what will be the long-lasting effects of COVID-19?
COVID-19 Consequences from an uncollected cargo angle
Webinar – Enforcement of arbitration awards in different jurisdictions
Participation is free
LSLC-YMP/Thomas Miller Annual Seminar – Trends in Maritime Claims
Issues for discussion:
Infectious Diseases
Incorporation of Standard Terms & Conditions
The Effect of Clause Paramounts in Charterparties
We won’t pay commission until…
Meet the Shipwrights
Who we are and what we do
Our charitable and educational activities
What it means to be a shipwright
Constructive Total Loss & “The Renos”: Where next?
A case study examining the evaluation of a CTL on the figures. Recent developments in law and practice.
Recent Developments in Marine Insurance: Jurisdiction, Limitation and Causation Issues
A joint event between LSLC and Essex Court Chambers.
The editors of the new edition of Arnould’s Law of Marine Insurance and Average, who are all barristers at Essex Court Chambers, canvass recent developments in marine insurance law relevant both to marine insurance practitioners and to the wider shipping/shipping law community.
A new GENCON: transforming a standard charter for the modern world
The shipping industry’s most widely used dry cargo voyage charter party, GENCON, is being revised and updated for the first time in 25 years. This seminar will explore some of the proposed key changes to GENCON including Clause 2 (Owner’s Responsibility) and Clause 10 (Bills of lading/Waybills); safe ports/berths; and Strike Clause versus Force Majeure Clause.
BIMCO’s objective is to produce a much more clearly worded and comprehensive set of terms and conditions with fewer implied terms. But is GENCON’s popularity firmly rooted in its familiarity, simplicity and brevity? How far can the revision go and still be acceptable to the industry?
LSLC-YMP & Wadkins Associates Annual Summer Boat Party
Attendance fee – £40.00

Invitation to the 2019 Boat Party
“Through a glass darkly….” Impacts of illegality on Enforcement of Arbitration awards
Specific issues that will be considered:
Illegality and the proceeds of crime
Patel v Mirza – Sup. Ct. – commission of a foreign crime, not for the English Court to consider the weight of that foreign crime.
Public policy defences in different jurisdictions
The CoA decision in Sinocore v RBRG
LSLC/YMP event – Geographic Deviation and Unseaworthiness
Clyde & Co invites LSLC/YMP members and supporters to attend this event
A Round Table Arbitration Debate
Introduction Our panel will discuss some recent issues touching on challenging arbitration awards.
Ship Finance, Guarantees and Remedies on Termination of shipbldg contracts
An overview of the current state of financing of new and second-hand tonnage following the retreat of the traditional shipping banks and the legal and accounting issues involved. An important legal and practical update for anyone whose practice touches this complex and busy area of work.
All change? How international financial dispute resolution is being restructured
so that it is fit for purpose.
and Key developments in documentary credits and derivatives The global financial crisis of 2007-2008 triggered a large number of disputes which in turn highlighted improvements that could be made to the machinery for international dispute resolution so as to meet better the needs of key players and the markets. In England, we can be very proud of the steps taken by the English judiciary (particularly by our Chairman of this event) including the establishment of the Financial List and the founding of the Standing International Forum of Commercial Courts which successfully works to achieve comity amongst international commercial jurisdictions at senior judiciary level.
Cargo Claims and Bills of Lading
– The Songa Winds – Fraud, forgery and bills of lading – Volcafe v CSAV
LSLC-YMP and Wadkins Associates Christmas Party
This annual party provides an opportunity for our members and friends to enjoy the festive spirit in convivial surroundings.
Current issues in the law of charterparties
This lecture evening organised in conjunction with 7KBW will include talks from 4 of the co-authors of “Carver on Charterparties”, the first edition of which was published in 2017. The speakers will examine a number of themes which have emerged from recent decisions relating to charterparties, and share thoughts arising from research when preparing their text book.
Current issues in the law of charterparties
This lecture evening organised in conjunction with 7KBW will include talks from 4 of the co-authors of “Carver on Charterparties”, the first edition of which was published in 2017. The speakers will examine a number of themes which have emerged from recent decisions relating to charterparties, and share thoughts arising from research when preparing their text book.
LSLC-YMP Giving your client the best chance of Winning its Maritime Arbitration
An event organized by the LSLC-YMP, Essex Court. Chambers & Stephenson Harwood. The panel will offer their insights into what works (and what doesn’t) at each step of the arbitral process, giving their invaluable insights into what gives clients the best chance of succeeding in a maritime arbitration. Please see the attached flyer for further details
CMI – IWG on Liability for Wrongful Arrest of Ships
This special event is a CMI International Sub-Committee meeting to debate the issues on the work done on this subject by the International Working Group for the Wrongful Arrest of Ships. The prepared Discussion Paper will be the focus for deliberations by attending CMI member representatives and invited delegates.
Aspects of illegality/fraud and enforcement issues – This event is now postponed
The challenges the shipping industry faces as regards increased transparency, disclosure of beneficial interests and the impact on the arrest risk and the risks faced by those dealing with shipping companies that are tax evasion vehicles. The CoA decision in Sinocore v RBRG dealing with the enforcement of Arbitration awards will also be reviewed.
The Hague-Visby Rules at 50
The Centre, in conjunction with Essex Court Chambers, welcomes members and other shipping professionals to the 1st monthly event in the 2018-2019 Programme. 2018 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the 1968 Protocol. In this seminar, shipping practitioners from Essex Court Chambers will review some recent decisions on the Rules and consider what issues remain to be decided.
LSLC/YMP and AIDIM Seminar on Ship Arrest and Insolvency
Join members from the YMP and the Association of Italian Maritime Lawyers at this event.
LSLC/YMP & 20 Essex Street Pub Quiz
20 Essex Street will host, again, this year’s annual fun Pub Quiz Evening.
LSLC-YMP and 20 Essex Street – Sunshine & Shipping Seminar
Join YMP Members and barristers from 20 Essex Street for this popular annual seminar and reception.
LSLC-YMP & Wadkins Associates Annual Summer Boat Party
Join YMP Members, guests and other regular attendees who are involved in maritime activities, on board the Golden Jubilee this Midsummer’s evening, sailing from Temple Pier to Chelsea and then on to Greenwich.
The Lord Mustill Inaugural Lecture
LSLC is pleased to announce the Lord Mustill Inaugural Lecture “Lord Mustill – His Legacy”
Known Knowns, Known Unknowns, Unknown unknowns
Join the LSLC for this session advising professionals on ‘known knowns’ (what to do when faced with conflicting proceedings in different fora and the resultant possibility of anti-suit injunctions), ‘known unknowns’ (what will happen post-2021, when the FCA will no longer compel contributor banks to voluntarily sustain LIBOR), and ‘unknown unknowns’ (what to do where a party is unaware of arbitral proceedings against it because it didn’t know that purported service of the proceedings had taken place).
LSLC/YMP & 4 Pump Court’s Shipping Industry Forum
A selection of shipping professionals will cover developments in the shipping market and career progression in shipping
Insurance and exclusions in offshore projects – topical issues
Offshore wind farms, gas and oil exploration generate plenty of high value and complex disputes. These talks from the Bar, Law Firm and Club perspectives will help guide members through some of the most common and topical issues.
Cargo Claims and Cargo Disputes; Current Issues
An event held jointly with The Centre for Commercial Law Studies. This seminar will focus on some legal issues that have recently arisen in relation to the performance of shipping contracts involving the carriage of cargo
LSLC/YMP & Thomas Miller event – Trends in Maritime Claims
This is Thomas Miller’s third annual seminar where several practical topics will be discussed by representatives from the various divisions of that company.
Derivatives and international trade
Derivatives are often considered to be an esoteric and impenetrable subject. This seminar aims to provide a clear overview on some of the key everyday commercial and legal issues facing those operating in physical international trade.
LSLC-YMP and TMC Seminar – Made Simple Series II
A practical overview of Basic Vessel Stability and Basic Cargowork …..simple explanations
London Arbitration with Chinese Parties – Keeping A Level Playing Field
This event is held jointly with the LMAA. Disputes involving mainland Chinese parties have increased dramatically in recent years and will likely continue to rise as Chinese investment outside China increases. Chinese shipyards seem destined to increase their already significant market share. For London to remain pre-eminent as a maritime arbitration centre it needs to ensure its arbitration services offer as level a playing field as possible to all parties. Cross-cultural barriers can arise and this event seeks to address these head-on by informing practitioners and users of London arbitration of potential misconceptions as well as dos and don’ts for witnesses, parties and counsel.
Current issues in Salvage and General Average
An up-date on developments in these areas of Admiralty Law. Further details to follow.
Limitation of Liability Revisited
The focus of this seminar will be the importance of the right to limit liability to shipowners and the right to do so within context of the international Liability Conventions (the CLC, Bunkers Convention, Athens Convention, etc., and the new cases.
LSLC-YMP Christmas Party
YMP members are invited to join the YMP Committee, other YMP members and Wadkins Associates at their Christmas Party at Baranis.
LSLC-YMP / 4 Pump Court’s Autumn Shipping Law Seminar
A team of barristers from 4 Pump Court will talk about topics of interest to the London and international shipping markets. Issues include: – Challenging appointments of arbitrators – Ships under arrest: getting paid and getting home
The Robot Over Your Shoulder
Technology’s very positive contribution to dispute resolution.
Damages Update
Recent Supreme Court decisions and their impact will be discussed at this event.
LSLC/YMP and Hill Dickinson Marine Insurance Law event
A seminar for newcomers to the marine insurance market.
How Does Arbitration Support London?
A Special Event held in conjunction with LISW17 This seminar will focus on topical issues on how London provides a world centre for shipping arbitration.
LSLC/YMP and Ince & Co.‘s Summer Treasure Hunt
Members are invited to join this challenging and fun activity hosted by Ince & Co.
LSLC/YMP & 20 Essex Street event – Sunshine & Shipping
An update on shipping and international trade law.
LSLC – YMP and Wadkins & Associates Annual Summer Boat Party
Based on the success of their last three Summer Parties on the Thames, the YMP Committee and Wadkins & Associates have organised another party this year and welcomes all members and their guests. A large vessel will cruise to Chelsea and then travel down river to Greenwich. – Sparkling wine reception – Complimentary red and white wine – Live band – Full BBQ buffet – Two fully stocked cash bars for other beverages For Bookings –
Update on Arbitration – focus on Funding Issues and Apparent Bias
Can Maritime Arbitration be Different?
LSLC – YMP and 4 PUMP COURT Spring Shipping Law Seminar
A team of barristers from 4 Pump Court will talk about topics of interest to the London and international shipping markets.
Interpretation of Contracts
Interpretation of Contracts/ Implication of Terms/ Exclusion/ Limitation/Liquidated Damages Clauses This seminar will explore recent decisions, in particular those of the Supreme Court, concerning the interpretation of contracts, implication of terms, and exclusion, limitation, and liquidated damages clauses.
YMP event – Made Simple ……
A practical overview of Basic Navigation and Basic Engineering …..simple explanations
LSLC/YMP event – Trends in Maritime Claims
An overview on several relevant issues affecting the shipping sector
Current Offshore and Newbuilding Disputes
Tackling tricky offshore and newbuilding issues: problem-solving by the buyer’s expert, lawyer and FDD Club
Risks in and Rewards of Arbitrating
This analytical and comparative discussion will feature arbitration in: • Russia • Singapore • Hong Kong • India • Dubai • London .
Contracting out of corruption – the BIMCO Anti-Corruption Clause under the spotlight
Demands by port and other officials for gifts in cash or kind before providing services to a ship are a common feature in many parts of the world. Refusal by the Master to make so called “facilitation payments” can lead to intimidation, delays and unjustified penalties. But with governments increasingly legislating to outlaw all forms of corruption, how can the shipping industry respond?
LSLC-YMP’s Christmas Party
LSLC-YMP members are invited to join the YMP Team for their fun Christmas Party at SiNK, – The New Home of Beer & Ping Pong.
Admiralty Procedures
Admiralty Procedures – Errors, Anomalies and Changes of Course in a Digital Age The Admiralty Court in London has a long and illustrious history as the pre-eminent forum for the resolution of maritime disputes. It is probably the best known and best respected such forum in the World. The Court’s rules and procedures have evolved over the years, decades, and even centuries, as the maritime industry it serves has changed. Now, in the digital age, is further change required? A specialist Court requires specialist rules. Such specialist rules can become divorced from the mainstream, and can stand unscrutinised and unchallenged for long periods. Do the current rules require correction or change? Moreover, such specialist rules can appear arcane and can trip up the unwary as various recent cases have shown – what lessons should be learned?
LSLC-YMP /4 Pump Court event – Shipping Industry Forum
A selection of professionals will cover developments in the shipping market and career progression in shipping.
Cadwallader Debate & Dinner
– The Master Under Attack? Authority and responsibility in an age of instant access. – The legal position of the ship’s Master when tackling the day-to-day pressures of today’s shipping industry, will be the subject of this year’s Cadwallader Debate,
NYPE 2015
In October 2015 BIMCO and ASBA jointly issued the first revision of the New York Produce Exchange Time Charter (NYPE) since 1993, following three years of intensive discussions.
LSLC/YMP & 20 Essex Street Pub Quiz
20 Essex Street will host this year’s annual fun Pub Quiz Evening.
Recent Supreme Court Decisions in OW Bunkers and The Global Santosh
Discussions and debate will focus on the following cases: • “OW Bunkers” (PST Energy 7 Shipping LLC and another v OW Bunker Malta Ltd [2016] UKSC 23) concerning the true effect of a contract for the supply of fuel oil, described by Lloyd’s List as “the most spectacular shipping legal imbroglio so far this century”. • The “Global Santosh” (NYK Bulkship (Atlantic) NV v Cargill International SA [2016] UKSC 20) concerning the issue of fault in the law of “off hire” provisions and the circumstances in which a contracting party will be responsible for acts or omissions of third parties in performing that party’s obligations.
LSLC-YMP event – Trends in Shipping Finance – The Role of Private Equity
Issues for discussion: • Finance in the maritime sector and the entry of private equity • Private equity involvement on the debt and equity side • Key considerations on both the private equity and owner side
YMP’s Annual Summer Thames Boat Party
Based on the success of their last two Summer Parties on the Thames, the YMP Committee has organised another party this year and welcomes all members and their guests. A large vessel will cruise to Chelsea and then travel down river to Greenwich. – Sparkling wine reception – Complimentary red and white wine – Live band – Full BBQ buffet – Two fully stocked cash bars for other beverages For Bookings – Attendance fee for all guests – £35.00
International Trade Update on Damages for Breach/Repudiation
The theme of this seminar is hollow victories. How can Claimants win on liability but come away empty-handed on quantum? How is it that contractual entitlements can have no value to a claimant, or that commercially driven mitigation can leave an owner with no loss? There are several important recent cases in this area which will be considered.
Collisions! What next?
LSLC/YMP event – A collision case study from the perspectives of cargo and hull underwriters, claims handlers and lawyers.
The Arbitration Act 1996 – 20 years on – Views from the Bar
“A practical, just and effective arbitration system is of great value to both the domestic economy and the global economy.” Lord Neuberger, President of the Supreme Court.
Has the 1996 Act proven fit for purpose?
YMP Tour of Lloyd’s
This guided tour will last approximately 1.5hrs and attendees will be sure to leave with an enhanced knowledge about the history of Lloyd’s and the way in which it operates today.
Demystifying salvage – changing perceptions in a changing world
In a 21st century of megaships, ever-tighter margins and as high a potential as ever for a major disaster, the world’s salvors are under pressure from less use of LOF and diminishing returns leading to mergers and reductions of capacity. How can it all stack up? This seminar will review those challenges and discuss the ways in which they might be met. Issues for discussion will include the following;
Are you a student dreaming of becoming a shipping lawyer or a broker? Are you a solicitor curious about what it is like to work for a club? Would you like to know what other shipping professionals do and how you might work together?
LSLC/YMP – 20 Essex Street Christmas Party
The Young Maritime Professionals Committee invites you to join them in celebrating the festive season at their Christmas Party which is kindly sponsored by 20 Essex Street Chambers. Please ensure that you register your acceptance by Monday 7th December. We look forward to welcoming you.
Terminating shipbuilding contracts
Terminating shipbuilding contracts: Can I? Should I? And what will happen if I do? With markets still bumpy, SBC cancellations continue. In the light of recent decisions, what legal and commercial advice can be given about the grounds for termination, the consequences, and the effect on refund guarantees?
The Enforcement of London Arbitration Agreements
The current position, following the Recast Brussels Regulation, the Gazprom case, and other recent developments. THIS EVENT IS NOW FULLY SUBSCRIBED AND NO FURTHER BOOKINGS CAN BE ACCEPTED
Hot Shipping Cases In 2015 – Lessons Learned For 2016 & Beyond
A YMP/20 Essex Street event
Injunctive Relief: Pointers and Pitfalls
This is a LSLC-Young Maritime Professionals informative talk about freezing injunctions and anti-suit injunctions which will be followed by a reception.
Piracy – BIMCO’s GUARDCON and the Rules for the Use of Force (RUF)
To protect ships, cargoes and crew, commercial ships are increasingly deploying private armed guards in high risk areas. IMO Guidelines, BIMCO GUARDCON and the 100 Series Rules for the Use of Force (RUF) provide some guidance on what armed guards can do in specific circumstances. The possibility of civil proceedings arising from the use of force which may result in deaths, pollution and other liabilities is foreseen, including disputes between owners and cargo owners, insurers, and the armed guards’ companies.
Liens Here and Across the Atlantic and their contrasting effect on claims arising from the OW Bunker
Liens Here and Across the Atlantic and their contrasting effect on claims arising from the OW Bunker insolvency
LISW event – Managing Arbitration Effectively – Arbitration Workshop
Following on from the success of the 2013 LISW Mock Arbitration event, the Centre is again pleased to present a similar special event jointly with the LMAA.
Rules for the Use of Force Mock Trial
Rules for the Use of Force Mock Trial and a Mock Commercial Arbitration
YMP Event: Introduction and Current Trends in Shipbuilding.
The YMP and 4 Pump Court present a seminar on this complex and important area of law. Following the talks there will be an opportunity to meet the speakers and network over drinks, kindly sponsored by 4 Pump Court.
Course on Effective Mediation Advocacy
22nd, 29th June and 6th July. This LSLC course provides specialist mediation training for those who wish to represent their clients in the mediation of shipping and commercial disputes. Delivered in 3 sessions of 2 hours each CPD accredited – plus Certificate of attendance
Ship-to-Ship Transfers
In The Falkonera, the Commercial Court and the Court of Appeal considered the circumstances in which the owner of a Very Large Crude Carrier might reasonably withhold approval of a proposed ship-to-ship (STS) transfer with another VLCC. This seminar considers the implications of that case, and addresses the wider legal and practical issues associated with STS transfers.
Brookes Bell Mariteam Sailing Evenings (YMP members)
Brookes Bell Mariteam Sailing Evenings Tuesdays, 28th April, 12th May, 26th May, 9th June, Mondays 22rd June and 6th July (Final and BBQ)
Current Issues in Arbitration
Current Issues in Arbitration This event is now over-subscribed and no further bookings can be accepted.
Mediation advocacy training awareness – Briefing session
David Richbell, Jonathan Lux and Dr Aleka Sheppard will lead an interactive discussion on the benefits of mediation advocacy training which, nowadays, is regarded as being essential for every practitioner or claims’ handler.
The Seafarer: Crew Fatigue & Human Rights
10th February 2015 Crew Fatigue and Human Rights
2 Mar: Effective Mediation Advocacy Series
2 Mar: Effective Mediation Advocacy Series – Postponed
23 Feb: Effective Mediation Advocacy Series
23 Feb: Effective Mediation Advocacy Series – Postponed
17 June: Rules for the Use of Force Mock Arbitration
17 June: Rules for the Use of Force Mock Arbitration
AIS/VDR Evidence Workshop
AIS/VDR Evidence Workshop – Can Electronic Data provide conclusive evidence in investigations? Issues for discussion
YMP event – Introduction to Mediation Workshop
YMP event – Introduction to Mediation Workshop
YMP event – Shipping Law Forum at Essex Court Chambers
YMP Event – Shipping Law Forum at Essex Court Chambers
Following the success of last year’s visit, the YMP Committee have organised another great day excursion for members to visit Southampton Port. Full day port familiarisation. Guided tours both by land and water of the port and terminals, by Southampton Port representative and an expert mariner. Air conditioned coach travel to and from London Waterloo included in the price. Lunch at sea and dinner, at a venue to be confirmed, included.
Bills of Lading event
Bills of Lading The Saga Explorer, The Dolphina and related decisions: the dangers of “clean” bills, verifying pre-shipment condition and spent bills
Cargo stowage and safety issues: a case of shifting responsibility for shifting cargo?
Cargo stowage and safety issues: a case of shifting responsibility for shifting cargo?
YMP Event Mediation of Maritime Disputes: An Introduction to ADR
“Stone Chambers is delighted to invite YMP members to an introduction to mediation workshop by Jonathan Lux.
YMP Event – Maritime Claims in the Arabian Gulf –
YMP Event – Maritime Claims in the Arabian Gulf –
Recent developments – Rule B relief, freezing injunctions and anti-suit relief
Recent developments – Rule B relief, freezing injunctions and anti-suit relief
Time Charter Indemnities: Is the Athanasia Comninos good law?
Time Charter Indemnities: Is the Athanasia Comninos good law? This event is now full and further registrations cannot be taken.
YMP Christmas Party
The Young Maritime Professionals are pleased to invite members to their Christmas Party!
New Trends in Piercing the Corporate Veil – (The conservative versus the liberal approaches)
New Trends in Piercing the Corporate Veil – (The conservative versus the liberal approaches)
YMP event: Shipping Arbitration Forum at Essex Court Chambers
YMP event: Shipping Arbitration Forum at Essex Court Chambers
Damages – Contemporary Issues and legal developments
Damages – Contemporary Issues and legal developments
Effective Dispute Resolution in the Emerging Markets
Effective Dispute Resolution in the Emerging Markets
Young Maritime Professionals /Stone Chambers Quiz Night
A fun night out testing your general knowledge skills.
A Mock Arbitration – Special event for London International Shipping Week
To celebrate London International Shipping Week – A mock arbitration to highlight the benefits of the London arbitral system.
The EU Horizon Project and the ISM
A Round Table Discussion – LSLC SPECIAL EVENT review of the EU sponsored Horizon Project
YMP Event – Southampton Port Visit
A great day outing to learn about the varied activities of port life. Commentary will be provided.
YMP event – What’s left of the anti-suit injunction?
Introduction Experts from Jackson Parton Solicitors and Hardwicke will address the wide range of issues currently facing litigants who have been sued in a foreign jurisdiction in breach of a right to litigate or arbitrate in London.
Saleform Issues
The new Saleform Agreement – has it covered the main outstanding issues in relation to sale and purchase?
Risk Management for Shipping, Ports & Terminals- Workshop (with simulation)
Risk Management for Shipping, Ports & Terminals- Workshop (with simulation)
Careers and Current Trends in Shipping – YMP Student event
Classification Societies regulatory regime and current issues on liability
Classification Societies regulatory regime and current issues on liability
Insurance Law Reform: Utmost Good Faith and the Law Commission’s proposals
5 Feb 2013: Insurance Law Reform: Utmost Good Faith and the Law Commission’s proposals
The LSLC Cadwallader Symposium/Dinner will take place at the magnificent Gibson Hall, off London’s Bishopsgate on Monday, November 26th.
The Gulf and the Straits of Hormuz-Legal Lessons from the Past
The Centre, in conjunction with Essex Court Chambers, welcomes members and other shipping professionals to the first monthly event in the 2012 – 2013 Events Programme
The beginning of the end, or just the end of the beginning
12 July: The beginning of the end, or just the end of the beginning: what can you do when you lose an arbitration?
LNG – the supply and shipping of natural gas in a (more) liquid market
27 June: LNG – the supply and shipping of natural gas in a (more) liquid market – Please note the change of the date for this event
Contract Interpretation
28 Mar: Current issues in contract interpretation – are the purposive sheep or the literalist goats winning? International Trade & Derivatives
Perspectives from the Commercial Court
Young Maritime Professionals event “What Judges Want: Perspectives from the Admiralty and Commercial Court”
Lecture on maritime institutions
The Young Maritime Professionals are pleased to invite you a lecture on Maritime Institutions, presented by Phil Parry from Spinnaker
YMP event: Talk on Maritime Insitutions
Dec 7: A talk on Maritime Institutions by Phil Parry followed by Christmas Networking Drinks
Young Maritime Professionals Association RTI Reception
16 Nov: Young Maritime Professionals Association Reception
End of Summer Greek-themed Barbeque
Launch Reception for the LSLC Young Maritime Professionals Assoc
Launch Reception for the LSLC Young Maritime Professionals Association – 2nd June
Electronic Transport Records – How secure are they in shipping transactions?
Electronic Transport Records – How secure are they in shipping transactions? – 23rd Feb
Developments in Protective Procedural Measures
Developments in Protective Procedural Measures
The 11th Cadwallader Debate and Reception.
The 11th Cadwallader Debate and Reception. Politicians, the European Commission, Regulators and Shipping: what is the missing link and the way forward?
Dangerous & Difficult Cargoes
Dangerous & Difficult Cargoes – This event is now fully booked and, unfortunately, no further registrations can be accepted.
Reviewing Clauses in Tanker charterparties
20 May: Reviewing Clauses in Tanker charterparties
28th April – Shipbuilding contracts and related ship finance issues
28th April Shipbuilding contracts and related ship finance issues
Offshore Issues II – Liability Insurance for offshore vessels
24 March: Offshore Issues II – Liability Insurance for offshore vessels
Piracy II
March 15, Piracy II – Ship-owners’ and charterers’ concerns regarding their contractual obligations
Cargo Insurance Developments & International Trade Issues
Cargo Insurance Developments & International Trade Issues. 24 Feb
Credit crunch, Quality crunch(?) and bunkers suppliers
Credit crunch, Quality crunch(?) and bunkers suppliers
What now after the decision in West Tankers?
What now after the decision in West Tankers (The Front Comor)?
Shipping and Energy seminar
Shipping and Energy seminar – a Special event which took place on 8th July 2009
The pressing risk of piracy: addressing the consequences
The pressing risk of piracy: addressing the consequences
The effect of the credit crisis upon maritime contracts
The effect of the credit crisis upon maritime contracts
Draft Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea
Time Charters – Hot Topics
Issues arising from The ‘Achilleas’, The ‘Flintermar’, and The ‘Aconcagua’ (CSAV –v- Hamburg)