
LSLC – Maritime Business Forum, being a non-profit making organisation, is financially supported by membership fees and sponsorship – it welcomes and attracts a cross-section of membership.

UK Members
 a. Full Corporate members – £2,750
 b. SME members – £1000, £450 (Webinars only)
 c. Individual members – £350
 d. Individual Webinar only members – £200
 e. Apprentices/ Pupils – £100 – £150 (at Chairman’s Discretion)
 f. Full time Students (up to 2 years) – £50.00

Overseas Members
 a. Corporate Webinar members – £450
 b. Individual Webinar members – £200

Full Corporate Members may send an unlimited number of staff members to each of the monthly public lectures, subject only to space available. The same applies for the Centre’s Global Webinar Series webinars.

Small – Medium Enterprise membership entitles any 4 representatives to attend in-person events and up to 6 for webinars. Representatives from SME members can subscribe to membership of the LSLC-Young Maritime Professionals for £30.00 per person per annum. Additional representatives wishing to attend will pay the standard attendance fee of £70 for in-person events or £40.00 for webinars.

Individual membership entitles the named individual to attend. Delegate’s attendance is recorded for the purpose of their continuing professional development required by the respective professional bodies to which they belong.

To qualify for Student membership, proof of status as a full-time student is required.

The Centre’s programmes and courses offer a cost and time effective continuing education service.

All of the Centre’s events are open to non-members who can attend upon payment of the standard lecture attendance fee of £70 for in-person events. For Webinar attendance – £40.00 for Individuals and £30.00 for full-time students.