Recent developments – Rule B relief, freezing injunctions and anti-suit relief


• The current status of Rule B relief and how far does it extend to the alter-ego of a defendant

• New trends in: (a) World-wide freezing injunctions (e.g. RBS v Fal Oil (2013)); (b) The Chabra jurisdiction (e.g. PJSC VAB v Maksimov (2013))

• Are there any new trends in anti-suit relief?

Chair:The Rt. Hon Lord Justice Christopher Clarke
Panellists:Alan Van Praag – Partner, Eaton & Van Winkle LLP (New York)
Ravi Aswani – Barrister, Stone Chambers
Dr Aleka Sheppard – Chairman, LSLC – Arbitrator/Author
Venue:Arundel House
13-15 Arundel Street
Temple Place
Time:6.00pm - 7.30pm
CPD Points:This event will be accredited for 1.5 CPD points