These webinars will address:
“London Maritime Arbitration – costs and time are the thorny issues for users – Who is in control?”
Chairman: The Hon. Mrs Justice Cockerill DBE
Panel members and Issues
1. Dr Aleka Sheppard – LMAA Arbitrator
Balancing ‘Party Autonomy’ with the Tribunal’s powers and duties
2 & 3. Catherine Jago – Consultant, CJH Energy & Ros Blazejczyk – Solis Marine
Getting the most from experts throughout the Arbitral process: how much control should Arbitrators exert over experts?
4. Philippa Hopkins QC – Essex Court Chambers
‘Foreign law’ in London arbitrations: how is it proved and who decides?
5. Sarra Kay – LMAA Arbitrator
Do the LMAA Terms facilitate the swift and cost-effective resolution of disputes?
6. Nicola Cox – West P & I
An industry perspective on Tribunals’ proactivity during the process
PART 2 will take place on Thursday 16.09.21 (13.00 – 14.30)
“Reality Testing in London Arbitration – does the system serve the needs of users?”
See separate Event listing.