LSLC/YMP Webinar – Impact of geopolitical changes (Brexit / Ukraine Conflict) on attachment and enforcement in Switzerland

1. Enforcement of English judgements in Switzerland post-Brexit
2. Use of English World Wide Freezing Orders in Switzerland
3. Swiss Attachments / Sequestres
4. Commandements de Payer and Swiss debt proceedings
5. Impact of events in Ukraine and expected surge of enforcement actions against Swiss based commodities traders

Panellists:Michael Buisset - Partner, HFW
Ann Shazell - Cargill
Felix Neri - Partner, Schifferli & Associés
Francesca Cappa - LSLC/YMP Chairperson
Venue:This is a virtual event hosted HFW Geneva
Time:8.30am UK time : 9.30am Switzerland
CPD Points:1 CPD point