LSLC/YMP event – Geographic Deviation and Unseaworthiness

The panel will take a close look at two recent judgments of the High Court in relation to:
• Dera Commercial Estate v Derya Inc. (“The SUR”) [2019] – Geographic deviation and fundamental breach of contract;  and
• “CMA CGM LIBRA” [2019] – Passage planning and seaworthiness

These important decisions have a wide application to claims relating to the carriage of goods by sea. The lawyers involved in these two
cases will set out the background to these decisions, the reasoning of the Court and will be available to answer questions in a discussion to

Panellists:Ravi Aswani, 36 Stone

Jai Sharma, Partner, Clyde & Co
Venue:CLYDE & CO., The St Botolph Building, 138 Houndsditch, London, EC3A 7AR
Time:5.30pm – Registration & 6.00pm – 7.00pm - Seminar to be followed by Drinks
CPD Points:1 CPD credit