LSLC Webinar – The Eternal Bliss

Specific issues to be discussed will also include:
• exactly what will count as a separate type of loss which could be recovered in addition to demurrage?
• if voyage charterers can be liable for damages in addition to demurrage, will they (as FOB buyers and CIF sellers) be able to pass
this liability on to their sellers at the loadport or their buyers at the discharge port?

Chair:Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Aikens
Panellists:Christopher Smith QC – Essex Court Chambers
Darryl Kennard – Partner, Penningtons Manches Cooper
Robert Gay – Arbitrator
Ann Shazell – Global Lead Lawyer, Ocean Transportation, ‎Cargill International
Venue:This webinar is kindly hosted by Penningtons Manches Cooper.
Time:5.00pm - 6.15pm
CPD Points:One CPD point