LSLC / LMAA Hybrid event -Offshore Energy: Contracts and disputes in the maritime environment

Specific issues to be discussed will include:

BIMCO liability schemes for windfarm supply vessels
Choosing your tribunal and current trends in case management
Shipbuilding contracts and the prevention principle: a way forward?

Chair:Simon Rainey QC – Quadrant Chambers
Panellists:David Steward – LMAA President / Arbitrators@10 Fleet Street
Clare Ambrose – Arbitrator, Twenty Essex
Adam Constable QC – Keating Chambers
Venue:To be held at the IDRC, 1 Paternoster Lane, London, EC4M 7BQ and via a webinar

A Drinks Reception sponsored by the LMAA will be held at the conclusion of the seminar/webinar.
Time:5.30pm – 6.45pm BST
CPD Points:1 CPD point