This event will focus on some important recent decisions on marine insurance, recent legislation (the Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act, 2010), and some Law Commission proposals in the pipeline.
The main issues to be covered will include:
+ Implications of the Supreme Court decision in the Cendor Mopu ― where does the law now stand on inherent vice, perils of the seas, insufficiency of packing, concurrent causation (The Miss Jay Jay)?
+ Up-date on total loss (CTL and ATL) ― the CA decision in Masefield v Amlin (piracy, ransom and public policy) ― the “challenging issues” on abandonment in The WD Fairway
+ Construction of warranties ― restatement of the law in Pratt v Aigaion (The Resolute)
+ The implied warranty of seaworthiness and waiver of disclosure (Garnat Trading v Baominh Insurance)
+ Insolvency issues ― The Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 2010 ― the decision on s.423 Insolvency Act 1986 in WD Fairway (No. 3)
+ Interest and damages for late payment by insurers ― Law Commission proposals.