CMI – IWG on Liability for Wrongful Arrest of Ships

Purpose of this international Sub-Committee meeting

The preliminary results of the responses by 38 NMLAs in the subject identify a great diversity between the legal regimes providing for liability for wrongful arrest of ships not only between the Common Law and Civil Law jurisdictions, but also between the Civil law jurisdictions.

It is the role of the CMI to encourage homogeny across the laws of its member States and to address any stark disparities between them by making proposals for unification, and this subject continues to be important to shipping and to international trade.

To address the lack of uniformity in the laws, the IWG of the CMI needs to ascertain, at this meeting, whether there is sufficient interest by the industry in reaching common ground, as much a possible, with regard to liability for wrongful ship-arrests.

Whether you represent shipowners or cargo/charterers’ interests, your views are essential today, so that the IWG could consider what future steps should be taken for the furtherance of this project.

Chair:Dr Aleka M Sheppard - Chairman of the IWG on Wrongful Arrest of Ships
Panellists:Edmund Sweetman – Rapporteur
Dr George Theocharidis – Joint Rapporteur
Avv. Giorgio Berlingieri - IWG member
Reinier van Campen - IWG member
Venue:Thomas Miller & Co.
90 Fenchurch Street
Time:2.30pm - 4.30pm
CPD Points:This event will be accredited for 2 CPD points