AIDIM Conference – “Latest Challenges: War Risks and Sanctions”


“Latest  Challenges: War Risks and Sanctions” Friday 8 November

The event is jointly organised by AIDIM (Associazione Italiana di diritto Marittimo) and LSLC-YMP (Young Maritime Professionals).  A panel of shipping professionals from Italy and England and Wales will discuss, compare and consider the challenging issues of War Risks and Sanctions.  The event will be hosted at the Chamber of Commerce in Genoa.

The Programme will adopt a similar format to the YMP/AIDIM’s London Conference which took place in London last October.

On Thursday 7th at 6.00pm a Welcome Reception sponsored by the Standard Club a the offices of P L Ferrari

Friday 8th will be a full programme of presentations  from UK and Italian  representatives.  This will culminate with a Drinks Reception at the end of the evening.

AIDIM (the Italian association) is also kindly arranging for some activities on the weekend for the participants who intend to stay on during Saturday and Sunday.

Amongst the participants invited to attend, are representatives from leading shipping and law firms based in Genoa.

The event will be an excellent networking opportunity to meet with the main players in the Italian shipping market.

For Registration:

Attendance is free



Thursday 7 November 2019
19:30 – 22:30 Welcome drinks at PL Ferrari kindly sponsored by the Standard Club

Friday 8 November 2019
09:00 – 09:30 Registration of participants and light breakfast

09:30 – 09:35 Chairman’s introduction – Prof. Filippo Lorenzon, Professor of Maritime and Commercial Law, Dalian University / Solicitor, Campbell Johnston Clark

09:35 – 09:45 Welcome from the Chairman of YMP – Ian Woods, Legal Director at Clyde & Co
09:45 – 09:55 Welcome from the President of AIDIM – Avv. Giorgio Berlingieri, Berlingieri Maresca Studio Legale Associato

09:55 – 10:05 Welcome from the President of the Young Group of Italian Shipowners Association (Gruppo Giovani Armatori – Confitarma, Confederazione Italiana Armatori) – Dr. Giacomo Gavarone

10:05 – 10:25 Session 1: An Overview of War Risks and Sanctions in the UK – Michael Davey QC, Quadrant Chambers

10:25 – 10:45 Session 2: P&I Clubs’ Approach and Recent Issues on War risks and Sanctions – Ewa Szteinduchert, Divisional Claim Director, European Division, Standard Club

10:45 – 11:05 Session 3: The brokers’ view – Alexander Gray, Insurance Manager at PL Ferrari

11:05 – 11:20 Tea / Coffee

11:20 – 11:35 Session 4: Orders to a War Risk Area and Legal Consequences of a War Risk Clause being triggered – Kevin Cooper, Partner at MFB

11:35 – 11:50 Session 5: The Operator’s perspective on how to handle sanctions – Camilla Barr, Legal Counsel & Compliance Manager at Western Bulk (Oslo)

11:50 – 12:00 Session 6: Presentation of Case Study by the Experts – Riccardo Gnocchi, Solis Marine

12:00 – 12:30 Session 7: The Italian perspective – Avv. Filippo Cassola, Berlingieri Maresca Studio Legale Associato and Avv. Simone Moretti, Studio Legale Boglione.

12:30 – 13:00 Session 8: The UK perspective – Rory Grout, Stephenson Harwood LLP and Oliver Caplin, 20 Essex Court Chamber.

13:00 – 13:20 Session 9: Discussion and questions

13:20 – 14:00 Lunch kindly offered by the AIDIM

The following hotels have been suggested by some of the UK participants who have already booked:
Hotel Palazzo Grillo
Best Western Hotel Metropoli
NH Hotel


Chair:See the Programme above
Panellists:See the Programme above
Venue:The Genoa Chamber of Commerce
Via Garibaldi, 4,
16123 Genova GE
Time:9.00am -2.30pm
CPD Points: