SHIPPING AND ENERGY: The Role of the Law

Date: 12 & 13 July 2017

Time: 09:00 – 18:00

Ince & Co
Aldgate Tower
2 Leman Street
London E1 8QN

The Global Shipping Law Forum is a collaborative initiative of the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London, the Centre for Maritime Law of the National University of Singapore and the TC Beirne School of Law of the University of Queensland.

Following the successful launch of the forum in Singapore in December 2015, the second edition of the Forum, generously hosted and sponsored by Ince & Co, will be held in London on 12th and 13th July 2017 with the theme of Shipping and Energy: The Role of the Law.

The event is designed to bring together academic researchers, legal practitioners, industry participants, regulators and service providers to generate insight into current legal problems in this field, and the law’s role in addressing future challenges and fostering future opportunities.

Each academic paper presented at the forum will be commented upon by a practitioner with experience in the field, so as to bring together rigorous in-depth academic research and practical insight.

Research-paper topics will include:
– Energy-cargo transportation contracts
– Bunkering contracts
– Hijacking and theft of oil cargoes
– Energy-related incidents at sea
– Environmental liability
– Legal questions surrounding floating liquid natural gas.

Two discussion panels on Pollution and Climate Change: the Implications for the Shipping Industry will be held in the afternoon of Thursday 13th July.

A Drinks reception will follow, starting at 18.00.



Sarah Derrington (University of Queensland)
Stephen Girvin (National University of Singapore)
Steve Gordon (Clarksons Research)

Paper presenters and commentators:

Winston Anderson (Caribbean Court of Justice; UNEP)
Jason Chuah (City University)
Jeremy Farr (Ince & Co.)
Nick Gaskell (University of Queensland)
Miriam Goldby (CCLS, QMUL)
George Lambrou (Thomas Cooper International)
Bjørn-Erik Leerberg (Simonsen Vogt Wiig)
Richard Lord QC (Brick Court Chambers)
Spyros Maniatis (Director, CCLS QMUL)
Kofi Mbiah (Chief Executive Ghana Shippers Authority and Chair of the IMO Legal Committee)
Theodora Nikaki (University of Swansea)
Alexandros Ntovas (CCLS, QMUL)
Djakhongir Saidov (King’s College London)
Lemonia Tsaroucha (Policy Officer – Legal Affairs, European Commission, Unit for Maritime Safety, Directorate General for Mobility and Transport, Brussels)

Pollution and climate change discussion panels:

Catherine Banet (Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law)
Raphael Heffron (CCLS, QMUL)
Terje Lade (LadeAS)
Alistair Mackie (Holman Fenwick Willan)
Stefan Micallef (Director, Marine Environment Division, IMO)
Katharine Palmer (Manager, Environment & Sustainability, Lloyd’s Register EMEA)
Johan Schelin (University of Stockholm)
Navraj Singh Ghaleigh (University of Edinburgh)
Mikis Tsimplis (University of Southampton, Institute of Maritime Law)


Standard rate:

One day only: £150
Both days: £250

Concessionary rate

(QMUL alumni, academics, LMAA members, LSLC members, public sector organisations and NGOs)
One day only: £100
Both days: £175


One day only: £75
Both days: £100

To register, please visit us here