Cyber Fraud and Cyber Piracy Webinar – 24.05.21

It’s full steam ahead for cyber crime unless the shipping industry and the authorities can keep it in check.

The steady and continuing increase in cyber piracy and the large scale measures needed to resist it have become a major concern for international shipping. More than ever, owners, operators and charterers have to focus on the motives, methods and targets of hackers; the vulnerability of computer systems; the legal concerns of charterers and other parties; the counter measures put forward by national and international bodies; and the incorporation of cyber risk management within the compass of seaworthiness.

These concerns were thoroughly aired at a Cyber Fraud and Piracy webinar held on 24th May 2021, part of the London Shipping Law Centre’s Global Webinar Series and organised in association with Twenty Essex.

The session, chaired by former Lord Justice of Appeal Sir Bernard Rix, attracted a substantial UK audience with participants spread over 19 other countries.

The following link provides a full summary of discussions – cyber240621fraud

This webinar can be viewed at: Click Here