Founding Principles

The core of the centre’s business is to promote high-quality in shipping services through continuing professional eduction for the benefit of its members and the younger generation in shipping.

The industry needs highly qualified and knowledgeable professionals. Reinforcing the principles of applying high standards in the practice of shipping by all stakeholders will lead to an industry of a good public image.

Since maritime business is a complex and multi-facet industry, we believe that inter-disciplinary education and training are fundamental tools for achieving the aim of delivering high quality and efficient shipping services by all sectors.

The centre was established in 1994 to promote these principles and has become a forum of the original and contemporary sense in terms of both quality of its events and participating faculty. It is a meeting learning place, open to all who serve the industry, for free exchange, informal as well as structures, of knowledge, interests and ideas.

At its monthly and special events, the centre focuses on the discussion of pivotal issues and global developments – legal, technical and commercial, melding the disparate disciplines of the practice of maritime commerce.